Tag Archive: Community

Mar 26 2011

Ride Report- Lake Sammamish Loop

Heather and Kary -- fully rested!

As Daniel and I went down Lakemont on our way to Sunset to meet up with the others, we were able to see the Cascades in the clear, cold morning air.  Nice since that means the the rain predicted for today may hold off for a few hours yet.  While we were prepping our bikes, …

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Sep 01 2010

Teaching Kids to Ride

For those of you with young kids (or grandkids) that want to learn to ride, the is a type of bike that does not use training wheels and makes it easier for them to learn quickly.  I heard great things about this type of bike from parents. Here is the article from the Wall Stree …

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Jul 05 2010

Riding the STP — Bicycles for AIDS Caregivers

[sticky post] This year 30 riders composed of members of Lighthouse Christian Church, their family and friends, will be participating in the Seattle-to-Portland ride.  We will be completing the 200 mile journey from Seattle-to-Portland on July 17-18, 2010 and will be raising money to provide bicycles for AIDS caregivers in Zambia through World Vision, in partnership with World Bicycle …

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May 23 2010

Jerseys – they’re not a state

What do you all want to do for jerseys? I think it would be easiest if we all went for the World Vision jerseys. We don’t have enough time left to design custom jerseys. [added by editor-- Addional information on World Vision from Heather N.] Here is the website for Team World Vision.  They already have a fund …

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