Category Archive: Training

Jul 06 2013


This is our last ride before the 2013 one-day STP. We gathered up at Marymoor Park – a rather small crew, but enough to do some pacelining. Peng started out at a pretty fast clip, right up at 20 out of the park and onto the trail. He missed one turn, then the next – I figured …

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May 19 2012

North Loop

The Incident

Remember when you were a kid and you were making Easter eggs? And you got tired of making those boring single color Easter eggs? So you decided to make the coolest, multi-colored Easter egg and spent 20 minutes (but it seemed like 3 hours) holding an egg partially suspended at different angles in the different color …

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May 12 2012

South Loop

Yeah, we caught 'em!

Nancy and I started at 9:00 am from the Mercer Island Community Center. The South Loop would be double the mileage from our last time out (i.e., the Mercer Island Loop). It was cool, but the sun was out. A perfect morning to cycle! We headed toward the East Channel Bridge, through the Mercer Slough …

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Apr 28 2012

Mercer Island Loop

Riding single today

Doug, Jerrold, Phebe, Rene, Phoebe, Nancy, Karen (riding solo), Gail (riding solo), Kary, and myself rode the Mercer Island Loop on a sunny Saturday afternoon. After some tough mid-week negotiation, Nancy and I agreed to ride tandem (Note: If Nancy weren’t a pastor, she would be qualified to negotiate nuclear arms treaties and national labor deals). I drove into the Mercer …

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Apr 24 2012

Eating for Endurance Cycling Workshop on Wednesday, April 25

One of our riders, Heather, is a sports nutritionist and she will be holding an Eating for Endurance Cycling workshop on Wednesday, April 25 from 7-8pm at the South Bellevue Community Center. This would be a great way to learn how to fuel yourself for any long rides, including the STP.  Please consider attending!!  Click here …

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Apr 20 2012

2012 STP Training Rides Schedule

The 2012 STP training rides schedule has now been put on the blog under the tab “Riding Tips”.  It will be updated as rides are scheduled.